Tagged: family

Girl Scouts: Courageous and Strong

We just wrapped up another successful Northampton Day Camp. My volunteerism has come full circle. I started twelve years ago as a daisy unit leader, moved on to co-director and program, progressed to director...

Newsletter Conundrum

I’m almost done with book two, TARBIN’S FALSE PROPHET. If I would quit adding chapters, I’d already be finished. I need a better outline next time. The cover is in the hands of the...

World Building: Traditions

World building is one of the most important aspects of crafting a good story, regardless of the genre: A contemporary story presents a world the audience is quite familiar with. That doesn’t mean the...

Inklings Writers Retreat Opportunity

Do you remember when I went to my first writers retreat? If not, I have conveniently linked it for you here. Great experience, but I wanted more writing time. I’ve learned since then that...

It’s For Research. I Swear!

Guilty pleasures. Do you pick your nose when no one’s looking? Pull out cash just so you can buy a lottery ticket? Eat chocolate while cooking dinner because no one will see because, heaven...

World Building: Animal Companions

I brought home a puppy recently. Isa is a 12-week-old Rhodesian ridgeback / hound mix I found at petfinder.com. I had searched for months for the perfect large breed to add to our menagerie....

Family, the Glue to Hold it Together

I have a Fitbit. The lowest end, free with my phone version. Nevertheless, a Fitbit. I compete with my friends to see who has the most steps and what-not. It’s a LOT of fun!...