Girl Scouts: Courageous and Strong
We just wrapped up another successful Northampton Day Camp. My volunteerism has come full circle. I started twelve years ago as a daisy unit leader, moved on to co-director and program, progressed to director...
We just wrapped up another successful Northampton Day Camp. My volunteerism has come full circle. I started twelve years ago as a daisy unit leader, moved on to co-director and program, progressed to director...
I’m almost done with book two, TARBIN’S FALSE PROPHET. If I would quit adding chapters, I’d already be finished. I need a better outline next time. The cover is in the hands of the...
World building is one of the most important aspects of crafting a good story, regardless of the genre: A contemporary story presents a world the audience is quite familiar with. That doesn’t mean the...
I’m truly and officially a published author. I can’t believe it. Adrenaline stills pumps through my body even though the launch was last Saturday. Look at my pretty table. My Dad brought wine cases...
Do you remember when I went to my first writers retreat? If not, I have conveniently linked it for you here. Great experience, but I wanted more writing time. I’ve learned since then that...
The 4th annual Klein Trails Grand Prix wrapped up Saturday. As we handed out the certificates and metals and trophies, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for all the girls who don’t get to...
Guilty pleasures. Do you pick your nose when no one’s looking? Pull out cash just so you can buy a lottery ticket? Eat chocolate while cooking dinner because no one will see because, heaven...
Wow. Last post was in June. Summer got a hold of me and did not let go until this week. I know many moms who can’t wait for school to start so their little...
I brought home a puppy recently. Isa is a 12-week-old Rhodesian ridgeback / hound mix I found at I had searched for months for the perfect large breed to add to our menagerie....
I have a Fitbit. The lowest end, free with my phone version. Nevertheless, a Fitbit. I compete with my friends to see who has the most steps and what-not. It’s a LOT of fun!...