Category: Author Notes

Dictating for the First Time

Alright, we’ll see how this works. I have my headphones in now, so I don’t know if it’s going to record up here or on my phone itself. If I have to hold it,...

The Kind of Story I Want to Write

I just watched Love and Monsters on Netflix. If you haven’t seen it yet, I won’t spoil anything. Though I will say, “Slather that biscuit with honey and give me another!” That’s me trying...

Authorpalooza 2023

It’s such a treat to finally attend writer events in person again. There were a handful last year, but this year it’s been packed with so many opportunities to go out and meet fellow...

Routine Blog 2: Testing Phase

I’ve spent the last couple weeks playing with my schedule to see what works and what doesn’t so I can establish what passes as a routine for me. If a nefarious individual or organization...

Routine Blog 1: Why bother?

I’ve been watching Christy Anne Jones on YouTube. You can check out her awesome videos here. Besides being delightful, she has a series where she explores the writing routines of various successful writers to...

Working Through It, Once More

I just got back from Superstars Writing Seminar last night. This was my fifth year—first as a sponsor with Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing. There’s something inspiring about spending such intimate time with other writers...