“The Power To” and an Award Winning Book Cover

So much has been going on these past weeks. I didn’t win NaNoWriMo. (Someday, my arch nemesis, someday.) But I do have other successes to share.

“The Power To” Short Story

My first published short story is available on Amazon! “The Power To” introduces you to Amelia Weatherford, a retired school teacher dealing with feelings of jealousy as her husband, Gerald, develops superpowers after a mysterious accident in town. Set and happy in her life and relationship, Amelia has to figure out where she belongs in her husband’s new world. When a former student begs her to help rescue the student’s kidnapped brother, Amelia has to decide if she’ll stay safe in her retired life or risk it all to become a hero.

For a measly $2.99, you can get the entire collection of hero stories from a fowl-mouthed sword intent on making a hero of a young boy to the PR guy of a traditional superhero to a horse fighting for its independence to many more tales. Enjoy the satisfaction of reading a whole story in a few minutes! Short stories can satiate your need for adventure and wild experiences in one bite.

Let us know what you think and leave a review!


Tarbin’s True Heir Best Cover 2017

Look at that gorgeous sticker. Tarbin’s True Heir won the Best Book Cover 2017 by the Houston Writers Guild. If you’ve forgotten the stunning effect of the piece of art, (points up to the page banner) you can see it here or buy it here to enjoy the full glory.

I’m grateful for the Houston Writers Guild for offering such opportunities for fledgling writers and encouraging us at every step. Thank you, Fern and Inklings Publishing for submitting the book to the contest. And, thank you, to Stefanie Saw for your artistic talents and your instinct to ignore me and make this cover pop. Can’t wait for book two, TARBIN’S FALSE PROPHET!

Which reminds me I should get back to work. Add the words. Add the words. I have a sea monster to battle. What are you doing today?

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