Tagged: Houston Writers Guild

Writer, You Are Not Alone

The lone writer furiously typing on her keyboard. Her isolated existence expanded by the wide world in her imagination. The depressed, melodramatic author slumped on a bar stool. He scribbles in a notebook with...

Author Biography

I’m at the nitty gritty part of my book release. I haven’t received the edits from the developmental editor yet. (Which in and of itself is terrifying.) Meanwhile, I’m working on my biography, acknowledgements,...

The Next Step: Querying

I’m not completely new to querying. I’ve sent out my two short stories to multiple magazines as they search for a home. (Duotrope is my friend.) Neither have found one yet. Translation? I’ve been...

Professional Photo Shoot

I will be 42 years old tomorrow. (Don’t gasp. I’m not one of the “don’t ask me how old I am” people. I’ve proudly earned every year.) As my Douglas Adams friends are aware, that...

2017, I await

For a construct created by human minds at a random location in our orbit around the sun, there is something magical about a new year. Hope. A chance to refresh and renew. A new...

Query Away

My first query letter has been sent. It took me hours to construct as I continuously consulted Query Shark to see if I was making any huge blunders. If you have not visited Query...

Pitching, a First Time

I am no longer a pitch virgin. On Saturday at the Houston Writers Guild April Conference, I had my first experience with a professional agent. And it was good. When I registered for the...

Writing is a Business

I took Friday off. It was grand. I binge watched Louie CK’s show on Netflix. I highly recommend using your vacation days, even if it’s one day for no reason, except that you need...