I am a MASTER (of Arts in Publishing)
That’s right! I am now a MASTER: Master of Arts in Publishing anyway. Hey, it’s still impressive. I feel prepared to take Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing to the next level. Thanks to Western Colorado...
That’s right! I am now a MASTER: Master of Arts in Publishing anyway. Hey, it’s still impressive. I feel prepared to take Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing to the next level. Thanks to Western Colorado...
As the acquisitions editor at Inklings Publishing, my job is to read the submissions box in search of the next book to publish. Yes, I suppose, you could call me a gatekeeper. But that’s...
In my recent position as chauffeur to my teenage children, I find myself in the car a lot. I can’t write or edit while driving. (Yes, I know, there are many authors who can...
If you haven’t heard of Story Bundle, you’re missing out. They routinely offer bundles of books in various genres at unbeatable prices. There is a minimum, but otherwise, you pay what you think the...
Come one, come all to our third annual Dragon Con Writers Meet Up. Who: All writers and those who are writer adjacent (cough, my husband, cough, and any other family or friends who understand...
I have found it. After a couple years of searching and trying different groups, both virtually and in person, I have finally found Critique Group Bliss. I am writing this blog as hope for...
I’m almost done with book two, TARBIN’S FALSE PROPHET. If I would quit adding chapters, I’d already be finished. I need a better outline next time. The cover is in the hands of the...
Woot! Made it another year. And this year, this brand new 2018, I can call myself an author. Finally. I have a short story published in Eclectically Heroic AND my first novel, Tarbin’s True...
So much has been going on these past weeks. I didn’t win NaNoWriMo. (Someday, my arch nemesis, someday.) But I do have other successes to share. “The Power To” Short Story My first published...
In a few hours, the elusive National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo begins. This November tradition sets a goal of 50,000 words in 30 days on the same project. I wrote about my first...