Tagged: #amwritingfantasy

Dreams as Motivation

I’m watching My Lottery Dream Home when I should be writing. That’s the problem with being self-employed. You ALWAYS feel like you should be working. But that’s a whole other blog post. While watching...

NaNoWriMo 2018 and Writing Sprints

I love National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). It’s a month dedicated to writing 50,000 words, which means an average of 1667 words a day. I have never “won” NaNoWriMo. In other words, I have...


If you haven’t heard of Story Bundle, you’re missing out. They routinely offer bundles of books in various genres at unbeatable prices. There is a minimum, but otherwise, you pay what you think the...

2018 Dragon Con Writers Meet Up

Come one, come all to our third annual Dragon Con Writers Meet Up. Who: All writers and those who are writer adjacent (cough, my husband, cough, and any other family or friends who understand...

Critique Group Bliss

I have found it. After a couple years of searching and trying different groups, both virtually and in person, I have finally found Critique Group Bliss. I am writing this blog as hope for...

Newsletter Conundrum

I’m almost done with book two, TARBIN’S FALSE PROPHET. If I would quit adding chapters, I’d already be finished. I need a better outline next time. The cover is in the hands of the...

NaNoWriMo Update: One Step at a Time

Obviously, that’s not me above. I’m freezing right now with a blanket wrapped around my legs and it’s 60 degrees Fahrenheit outside. When you’re done laughing, I’ll be here. As my last post optimistically...

NaNoWriMo Once More

In a few hours, the elusive National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo begins. This November tradition sets a goal of 50,000 words in 30 days on the same project. I wrote about my first...