Tagged: reading

New Year’s Reset

One more year, one more reset. I love resets. I’m one of those crazy people who LOVE Mondays, because it’s the beginning of the week and a new chance for me to fix the...

NaNoWriMo 2018 and Writing Sprints

I love National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). It’s a month dedicated to writing 50,000 words, which means an average of 1667 words a day. I have never “won” NaNoWriMo. In other words, I have...


If you haven’t heard of Story Bundle, you’re missing out. They routinely offer bundles of books in various genres at unbeatable prices. There is a minimum, but otherwise, you pay what you think the...

Critique Group Bliss

I have found it. After a couple years of searching and trying different groups, both virtually and in person, I have finally found Critique Group Bliss. I am writing this blog as hope for...

World Building: Traditions

World building is one of the most important aspects of crafting a good story, regardless of the genre: A contemporary story presents a world the audience is quite familiar with. That doesn’t mean the...

SCBWI Houston Conference 2017

I LOVE writer conferences. One of my reasons for becoming a full time author was the chance to hang out with other writers without being too stalky. (Another is because I can make up...

Dragon Con Writers Meet and Greet

Remember how I preach to find your community? I’ve done it here and here. It’s darn near impossible to be successful in the writing business without a support group. Yes, a support group consists...