Scheduled Posts on Facebook
Have you been to my author Facebook page? Well, shame on you.
No, wait. Don’t leave. I was just kidding.
I have trouble keeping up with everything I need to do every week. You know, like EVERYONE. To squeeze a bit more in, I’ve been using the schedule posts ahead feature on Facebook. Thank you, whoever thought of that. You have made my life easier and made me appear more organized than I am. I simply have to work for a bit the last week of the month to set up the next month and voila. (I can’t figure out how to add the accent. Research for another time.)
It’s crazy easy. All I do is upload a picture, add a witty quip (or at least attempt to), and, instead of clicking publish, choose “schedule.” It asks me what day and what time. A system that’s simple and effective. I need more of those in my life and for my children.
I’m having so much fun with this system. Tuesdays are fun with words and Thursdays are writing memes. I read a goodly amount of blogs about writing. I share one of my favorites or one I find useful every Friday.
I’m thinking about doing an inspiring picture for Mondays. Kind of a get your week started with creative output exercise. I’ve notice hit or miss on most sites with this kind of thing, but I like it anyway. I might write my sentence with the picture and ask what others see. That way, my input is there and anyone who participates will only benefit. Even if you don’t write for a living or a hobby or an obsession. A bit of creativity in our lives helps us experience a more fulfilling existence.
Wow. That got a bit philosophical. It’s also just fun!
What do you think? Would you play along? Sometimes? Maybe?
Here. I’ll start with a picture and see what kind of response I get. Even though it’s not Monday.
I’ll show you mine: My smile is unimpeachable with my colorful balloons not destined for a toddler’s birthday party.
Now show me yours.
8) Very cool.