Dragon Con Writers Meet and Greet
Remember how I preach to find your community? I’ve done it here and here. It’s darn near impossible to be successful in the writing business without a support group.
Yes, a support group consists of your team of editors and beta readers and cover artists. But don’t forget your fellow authors who are experiencing the same ups and downs in the process. We need to dust off our walking shoes, put on some pants, and have a drink or two to commiserate and celebrate this creative, emotionally draining, fulfilling, and forever challenging thing we call writing.
I don’t only preach; I also provide. For instance, if you will be at Dragon Con in Atlanta on Friday, September 1st, please come join me and your fellow writers at the Westin bar at 7pm. That particular spot is known as the writer’s bar anyway; so, let’s up that reputation and make it official.
I’m attempting to make this a recurring event at Dragon Con. It’s healthy to meet each other and talk about the industry and what we’ve seen and any important events we’ve heard about or marketing tricks we’ve learned or ways to shorten sentence length while writing a blog. You know, the fun stuff. Bring business cards and exchange. It would be nice to stay in touch after the chaos of Dragon Con fades. If you have a published book and you’d like to exchange with another author, please do. I’ll be bringing a couple copies of Tarbin’s True Heir for that purpose.
- No sales. We are comrades here. Let’s not be pushy.
- No picking on anyone, regardless of their publishing status. The person who has only dreamed of finishing a book to the multi-series published author are all writers.
- Feel free to bring a friend even if they don’t write. Let’s face it. Writers like to talk, too.
I can’t think of anymore rules. We’re adults. One of the reasons I love being a writer is because I get to hang out with others who also scribble made up things onto paper. We’re a pretty interesting group.
PLEASE share this event around your circles. I’d love to have a decent showing. Dragon Con three years ago was my trigger point to changing writing as a hobby to a career. The content creators and the generosity of established authors abounds at this event. I’d like to add a small part to the festivities.
Hopefully, I’ll see a bunch of you there!
Awesome! Thanks for doing this.
Absolutely! I hope to see you there.
Pity the UK is a little too far for me to travel from!
You’re never too far for Dragon Con! Just takes a little planning and a wealthy family member to buy the plane ticket.
You have that fantastic book festival in Edinburgh every year. That is on my bucket list!