Tagged: community

Professional Photo Shoot

I will be 42 years old tomorrow. (Don’t gasp. I’m not one of the “don’t ask me how old I am” people. I’ve proudly earned every year.) As my Douglas Adams friendsĀ are aware, that...

Scheduled Posts on Facebook

Have you been to my author Facebook page? Well, shame on you. No, wait. Don’t leave. I was just kidding. I have trouble keeping up with everything I need to do every week. You...

Signed Contract in Hand

I have exciting news. I am officially a writer with a signed contract. Woot! It’s been three lightning fast years. Inklings Publishing, led by the effervescent Fern Brady, has optioned for the first installment...

Writing Ruins Reading

Are you telling me the teenage empath can’t tell how the other teenager feels about her? Um, no. The boy’s entire family blows up and he shows no emotion. The perspective is first person,...

Query Away

My first query letter has been sent. It took me hours to construct as I continuously consulted Query Shark to see if I was making any huge blunders. If you have not visited Query...

Pitching, a First Time

I am no longer a pitch virgin. On Saturday at the Houston Writers Guild April Conference, I had my first experience with a professional agent. And it was good. When I registered for the...