Tagged: life

World Building: Traditions

World building is one of the most important aspects of crafting a good story, regardless of the genre: A contemporary story presents a world the audience is quite familiar with. That doesn’t mean the...

Post Dragon Con Writers Meet and Greet

Woot! Dragon Con 2017 is down for the books. And what an event it was! There were approximately 85,000, yes all those zeroes are correct, memberships sold for the four day event. All of...

Habitica, a life game

I’m a collector. I don’t mean of physical things, if you saw the lack of furniture in my house, you would understand. We spend our money doing things which leaves very little to spend...

Inklings Writers Retreat Opportunity

Do you remember when I went to my first writers retreat? If not, I have conveniently linked it for you here. Great experience, but I wanted more writing time. I’ve learned since then that...

Daisy Flower Garden Journey

My girls held the final Daisy journey in their 18 month plan. We held the event at Mercer Arboretum, making it the third location. One of our goals is showing the girls, and their leaders,...

Mondays are Awesome…No, Really

I LOVE Mondays. Don’t hate. Hold on. Let me explain.   1. Peaceful House After having the kids running around wreaking havoc, they GO TO SCHOOL. It’s so quiet in the house, I can...

Professional Photo Shoot

I will be 42 years old tomorrow. (Don’t gasp. I’m not one of the “don’t ask me how old I am” people. I’ve proudly earned every year.) As my Douglas Adams friends are aware, that...