Six Helpful Writing Blogs
As I trudge my way through the craft of writing, I find myself hungry for more information and helpful hints. I assume many of you look for the same resources. Here are a few I have found:
1. Mythcreants (also has a podcast)
Heavily into the craft of writing, Mythcreants analyzes pieces of the written word. The author has given me more to work with than some master writing classes I have taken. My writing improves each time I add words to my document after reading this blog. Apart from basics, like sentence structure, the author explores world building, character development, and plot management. A few blogs are thrown in about roleplaying games, which I find entertaining and educational. If that’s not your thing, no big deal. Skip to the writing craft blogs.
Not just for the month for November, the National Novel Writing Month blog hangs on for the entire year. You can find useful information about craft and self publishing. Each one is written by an author who has experience with the crazy month that is NaNoWriMo. The best part about this blog, and the reason I follow it, is the positive, encouraging atmosphere. I read this blog to keep motivated. If you’re looking for someone to tell you, you can finish the novel or you can get published, this is the blog for you.
Rachel Aaron likes charts. Me too. She scientifically analyzes Amazon sales and pay charts and plot points and anything else you might be curious about within the writing genre. Rachel shares bits of her other interests as well which makes her feel more human, not a robot that gets to write all the time without the rest of her life getting in the way, like most of us.
4. Writing is Hard Work (also has a podcast)
I have nothing but admiration for Roger Colby (no relation). He has a family, works full time as a teacher, records a geeky podcast, and self publishes books. His life looks like mine and he’s still able to produce quality works of fiction. His blog centers around his progress and what he has, and is, learning about the craft as he goes along. I find his advise fitting and timely for the current point in my career.
5. Brian Klems’ The Writer’s Dig
Brian covers everything. I have not read a blog yet where I did not learn something. He also has guest bloggers who share their story or focus or expertise.
6. Query Shark
Once you’re ready to look for an agent, check out this site. The administrator of the page accepts your sample query letter and tears it apart for you. You are expected to fix it and resubmit. By reading through the mistakes of your colleagues, you can avoid the same pitfalls when constructing your “please represent me and my book” letter. Janet Reid is snarky, which makes the read entertaining. She’s also insightful, which makes your time investment well worth it.
I hope you find these sites helpful. What blogs do you follow to assist you in your craft?
I needed something light after the fourth Dune novel. I chose Flying the Dragon by Natalie Diaz Lorenzi, a middle grade book. It’s like breathing fresh air after the dense novels I’ve been digesting. The story centers around a Japanese-American girl and her male Japanese cousin whom she’s never met. I’m only a couple chapters in, leaving me with little opinion, except the enjoyment of reading about a foreign culture. That’s one of the reasons I love to digest books: to experience the world through other people’s eyes. My daughter read this book first and said the jumping back and forth from America to Japan confused her. I’m not having trouble with it, but I’m also a few decades ahead in my reading experience. I’m not sure how other elementary school children feel.
Read more books!
I’ve only been following one of these! I will need to look into the rest. Thank you!
You are very welcome. Enjoy!