Tarbin’s False Prophet Launch Recording
Did you miss the launch of Tarbin’s False Prophet? I’m so sorry you can’t win the free giveaways, but you can still participate in the fun. The recording is up on YouTube for your viewing pleasure here. You never know. You might meet your next favorite author!

Have you longed to start the Recharging series? Has Talia’s plight to earn her right to rule intrigued you? Has a world of hidden magic inspired questions in your mind? Well, now’s the perfect time to make that leap. Tarbin’s True Heir is on sale for 99¢ through Thursday, July 23rd.
If you have read Tarbin’s True Heir (or Tarbin’s False Prophet for that matter), and feel so inclined to leave a review, I would be most grateful. We’re trying to boost the signal to more readers and every review helps. You don’t have to be specific, you can just say you liked the book. Or, of course, you can go into deep detail on why. Every review helps! Let’s get this book into more readers’ hands so I can keep writing it. I want to see how it all ends too!
Get your copy and/or leave your review here.
Finally, Tarbin’s True Heir was lucky enough to be included in this curated list of royalty in paranormal and fantasy. There’s something for everyone. If you’re trying to wade through the noise and escape into a world of royalty and magic, this list has been assembled for you. Click here for the full selection.
I better get back to drafting Tarbin’s Great Awakening. These characters have a long journey ahead.