TBR for July 2024
Typically, I make my way through a series or grab whatever is closest to me and dig in. Yet, I’m missing out on too many great books. I want to read more. When I was young, I used to read a multiple books a week. What happened?
Life. Duh. Still, my kids are young adults now. And I do read a ridiculous amount, but it’s for work. So how do I encourage myself to read more for fun? My solution should not surprise anyone out there. Let’s play a game!
Check out the video where I choose my to-be read books for July.
Do you play games to motivate you to read more or do you just mood read? I am assuming you’re a reader or why would you be checking out this blog anyway, right?
To encourage myself too succeed and watch less TV–which has mostly been disappointing lately anyway–I’ve started streaming Reading Sprints on the company Twitch channel. So if you’re looking for an excuse to sit and go on an adventure or learn something or see what all the hype is all about, then join me on Monday nights at 7 pm CST at https://twitch.tv/curseddragonship.

Meanwhile, I’m almost done with the draft of The Specter the fourth book in the Emergence series for all of you anxious to see what’s happening with Fauna and what it all means. There’s only two books left. It’s incredible how motivated I get to write when I’m reading like I used to. It’s enlightening.