2018 Dragon Con Writers Meet Up

Come one, come all to our third annual Dragon Con Writers Meet Up.


All writers and those who are writer adjacent

(cough, my husband, cough, and any other family or friends who understand the joy and pain of being surrounded by writers)


The Westin bar

I’ll have a sign this year so it should be easier to find us.


7pm Friday, August 31st

We’ll stay as long as you do. It’s Dragon Con. There’s no curfew.

What to bring:


Bring you and any other writers you’d like to drag with you. We are stronger when we stick together. The ability to collaborate without being in direct competition is one of the best things about being a writer.

Did you hear of a submission opportunity or experience an amazing writing conference or find new technology that changed the way you work? Come and share it with the group. We all want to know.

Are you looking for a writing partner or a critique group or beta readers? Come see who else is looking for the same thing. If we support each other, we’ll all grow and prosper.

The only rule is NO SELLING of your own work. You can exchange business cards. (Actually, you SHOULD exchange business cards.) You can talk about your books or WIP. You can ask what WIP means. But no direct selling. We’re here for fun and camaraderie; selling comes later.

I can’t wait to see you again!


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