Comicpalooza: Much to Offer Writers
It’s time! Comicpalooza is this Memorial Day weekend.
Along with the awesome cosplay and famous guests, this event holds a myriad of opportunities for writers.
1. New readers
Thousands of people attend Comicpalooza every year. The vast majority of them are geeks and the vast majority of geeks read. By reserving a booth for your books, you can introduce yourself to a plethora of new fans.
2. New reading
One universal piece of writing advice is you must read in order to write. You have a plethora of opportunities to see the latest and greatest available. You’re not limited by the few choices at a big box store. At Comicpalooza, you’ll see writers pushing the envelope and inventing new ones. Buy a few and dive in. Your writing can only get better.
3. Inspiration
The booths aren’t all books. You can find an artist whose work really means something to you and you must commission them for your next cover. A sculpture or painting might create an entire universe in your mind that you must write about next.
1. Panels
Your schedule will be chock full of panels from industry exports, some of them local to Houston, who will guide you through the ups and downs of the book industry. I will be on one about the editing process on Saturday, May 26th from 6-7 pm. I look forward to seeing you!
2. Successful Authors
You have the opportunity to meet highly successful authors, such as Seanan Mcguire, and ask them questions about their process and what steps they took to do this hobby for a real paycheck.
3. Other worldly knowledge
These conventions offer a unique opportunity to speak to astronauts to make your space flight realistic. There are medieval fighting experts who can tell you how to actually draw a long sword or how to aim a cross bow. Costume designers love to talk about the traditional techniques that were used to sew the period pieces they make. And most people LOVE to talk to authors. Ask and listen and you’ll learn more than any Google search will turn up.
1. Artist Alley
Whether you have a booth of your own or not, definitely take time to visit the authors and publishing houses available to you here. You might find your new favorite author. Or a publisher who would love to see your finished novel. Stop, smile, shake hands, and sign up for newsletters. You can find me at the Inklings Publishing booth most of the day. Come by and say hi!
2. Panels
If you particularly like one of the authors or agents or editors on a panel, make sure to visit them afterward and don’t forget to ask for a card. It’s a good idea to keep those cards handy just in case you really bond and you want to continue the conversation.
3. Writers Meet Up
I’m hosting a Writers Meet Up 7pm on Friday, May 25th at the Hilton Americas bar. I’m inviting all authors from fledgling to full time. Come and network in a casual atmosphere. There is no charge. If you so desire, the bar has food for those angry stomachs and drinks for shots of courage. The point of the meet up is to get to know fellow writers in a rather isolating field. We can share woes and triumphs as well as marketing tips and critique group follies. Make sure to bring business cards. I have ribbons that say “#amwriting” for your badges.
Let’s flood Comicpalooza with our declaration. After all, without writers, none of this fandom would even exist.
I can’t wait to see y’all this weekend!
This sounds awesome. I hope you have a great time and learn as much as you teach!
Thank you! Me too.