Two more days of Day Camp under the belt


The weather has been hot but beautiful. I’ll take it!!! We did a ‘No Thunder’ dance at opening ceremonies this morning to drive the storms away. Rain is welcome, but thunder means no swimming. Sacrilege! The girls were so cute as we stomped around in circles chanting, “No Thunder. No Thunder.”

The heat did get to some of us. We had a few disputes amongst Long Leafs and volunteers. It’s to be expected. The committee handled each situation admirably with no permanent scars to be seen.

The day camp committee is incredibly giving and willing to work their hiney’s off. It’s amazing how much so few can accomplish. I’m excited to be a part of the committee instead of being the leader next year. It’s a new chapter.

We’re on the home stretch. Two days left with some fantastical events left to go.We have the overnight for the Long Leafs tomorrow night with the Parent Show Friday afternoon. I put the Parent Show at 2pm which frightens me some. We’re going to have to rush through it. So, be prepared parents! We’re starting on time with no flexibility in schedule.

They were catching tadpoles! I had to tell them those minnows would not become frogs. The girls were catching the little fish with their empty lunch bags. THIS is what camp is about. The Long Leafs promised me all temporarily confined wildlife would be released before returning to their unit.

Flag ceremony. Every morning and every afternoon. HUGE day camp tradition and one of my favorites. It’s rewarding to see the girls experiencing new ways to show respect.

Singing songs in the morning to psych the girls up for their day of adventure. The Long Leafs have a gift for getting the girls excited about being at camp another day. We old people are so grateful to these girls for coming every day with a smile on their face and a song in their heart. Keep up the good work!

Two days to go!!!


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