Troop 13405 Planning Meeting


Troop 13405 had our annual planning meeting yesterday. The girls planned a very exciting year.

For our first camping, we’re going to Agnes Arnold (we actually already have the Fishing Village reserved) to have a traditional camping trip. Hopefully, we’ll get to go canoeing; we’re waiting for the generosity of a fellow Girl Scout volunteer to see if she is able to come out and help us. We are also planning on archery as long as our archery trained person can come along. It’s tough sometimes to get all the trained people together on the same weekend. Luckily, we have plenty of outdoor trained and first aiders to cover back up! The Brownies will earn Bugs; the juniors will earn Digital Photography; the cadettes will earn Animal Helpers.

Our second camping trip will be for the cadettes and seniors only to Silver Springs II with another troop. We will participate in the Ropes Course at that camp. I’ve never done that before. It should be a great time!!! For the Brownies and Juniors, we will choose a Carousel planned by council.

Our third camping trip of the year will be at Pryor or Windamere depending on which one we are lucky enough to get. I’m very proud of my girls choosing the far away camps! At least, farther than Conroe. We will work on our journeys this weekend. Brownies are completing WOW, the juniors Agent of Change, and the cadettes Breathe. The seniors are planning on attending the SOW weekend Nov 14th-16th at a council event.

The girls planned service projects such as collecting food for the animal shelters, collecting food for the needy and touring the Houston Food pantry, making Christmas decorations for the Star of Hope Children’s room, and many others. For a day trip, they want to tour Bluebell Creamery, OMG Cupcakes, or the Cheesecake Factory. I’m not even sure if the latter does tours, but the worst they can say is no!

For community events, as a troop, we will participate in the Halloween event, badge workshop in November, Old Fashioned Christmas at camp, and World Thinking Day.

The girls did such a great job speaking up, having ideas, listening to the adults who had suggests, making choices appropriately, and accepting the voice of the group even if it wasn’t the girl’s first choice. We had new girls at the meeting and our experienced girls welcomed them with open arms. I am SO proud of these young ladies! This program is definitely building girls of courage, confidence, and character.

I forgot to take a picture until most of the girls had already gone home. Here are some of the girls swimming after we finished the planning part of the meeting!

What do your girls have planned for this year? Please share below!



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