Here’s to Bravery!
I have taken the plunge and invested the $250 to attend the Writer’s Workshop hosted by Jody Lynn Nye at DragonCon. I am terrified as I take the next step in establishing my career. The real threat of failure hangs over my head. I spend a lot of energy trying to avoid situations I might fail at. Here’s to bravery!
I have to finish the climax to my short story today, then edit. I need to snail mail a writing sample to Ms. Nye by August 1st. Previously, I entered the beginning of Tarbin’s True Heir to a contest to receive feedback, I want to send Ms. Nye a sample of a new story to get as much information and tutelage as I can squeeze from the professionals I am lucky enough to meet.
My husband and I are thrilled to meet with Kevin J. Anderson again. This award winning author is such an inspiration for me! My Kevin respects his storytelling ability and love for Rush. I found the ComicPalooza experience invigorating and am hoping for a repeat.
A re-charging of the creative juices twice a year keeps me motivated and focused on my future as a novelist. Welcome to the ComicPalooza-DragonCon yearly cycle. Life is good!
If you want to go on an adventure with a brave, well, rabbit, I recommend this book. I re-read it a couple months ago remembering it fondly from my childhood. We could all learn from brave, forward-thinking Hazel: